October 09, 2011

Tut Tut

You know those days when you wake up to the sound of rain, your house is dark because of the overcast skies outside? And all you want to do is lay in bed in your pajamas all day watching (probably trashy) TV? When the only thing that gets you out of bed is the prospect of belly-warming soup or a grilled cheese before it's back in bed?

Thank goodness we don't have a TV in our bedroom or else that would have been my day. Instead, I lounged around in my pajamas studying & getting myself prepared for the week. I had big plans to go running today but the hourly battle to avoid curling up in bed was enough mental exercise.

Time is literally flying. I don't know where this weekend has gone, let alone the month of October. We're almost halfway through the semester and things are settling into a comfortable groove. I've finally started to work with some data for my honors research project and I have a presentation to give in class tomorrow. I know exactly how it will go:

-I won't be nervous all day leading up to it. "I got this, no big deal" will be my personal mantra for the day.
-I'll sit in class and attentively listen to the other presenters instead of rehearsing my own spiel.
-My professor will call my name to present.
-I'll freeze.
-My innards will feel like they're turning inside-out.
-I'll forget my name.
-I'll call for my mommy.
-Then I'll give the presentation exactly like I've practiced all weekend.

I don't know why it happens, but it does. Every. Single. Time. No matter how long I practice and perfect it, this same chain of events will occur indubitably.

What did you do this weekend?


Patrick said...

I think you have your presentation down really well and I know you're gonna kill it

Monica said...

Public speaking can be so nerve-wracking!!

Good luck on your presentation, you'll do great :)